CCSCE conducts research under contract to public agencies, private clients and foundations. CCSCE’s principal expertise is in developing long-term projections of economic and demographic trends for California and sub state market areas. CCSCE helps clients see the important stories told by the numerical projections and relate these stories to the needs of each client.

In addition to the long-term projection analysis and story development, CCSCE has experience in analyzing state budget, workforce and immigration trends and related policy issues. CCSCE works alone or in teams with other professionals where CCSCE provides the California economy expertise.

Contract Research Activities Include:

Projections of Long-Term Regional Growth

CCSCE assists regional planning agencies develop long-term economic and demographic projections for regional transportation plans and Sustainable Communities Strategies. CCSCE is currently assisting ABAG, SACOG, SCAG and SBCAG with long-term projection analysis.

Regional Workforce Studies

CCSCE has worked with Workforce Boards in Silicon Valley and the East Bay to identify industry and occupational trends and the implications for workforce policy. Stephen Levy has been a member of the NOVA Workforce Board for more than ten years.

Economic Data to Support Bond Offerings

CCSCE has worked with the Metropolitan Water District of Southern California for several years in providing an economic data and analysis appendix for MWD’s long-term bond offerings.

Orange County Economic Trends

CCSCE has assisted The Irvine Company since 1983 in analyzing short and long-term job growth trends and issues related to planning for growth in Orange County, California.

Economic Analysis for State and Local Budget Planning

CCSCE recently completed a paper on Proposition 13 for the 2012 Index of Silicon Valley sponsored by Joint Venture Silicon Valley and the Silicon Valley Community Foundation.

In 2011 CCSCE assisted the Think Long Committee of California develop data and polices related to workforce, education and infrastructure.

In 2009 CCSCE prepared a paper on economic and demographic trends for California Forward and earlier prepared a series of papers on state budget issues sponsored by the Irvine Foundation.